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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
I believe in creating value through exploring creative solutions, connected the dots, critically questioning the alternatives & being flexible with ideas.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Decision Alternatives

Lino Perros Premium Collection – Decision Alternatives

Don't blame the decision maker; blame the situation(s) that enable(s) decision

Situation# 1:

It was in the midst of a meeting with pointy arguments flying all over, some resorting to Cro-Magnon style wall scribbling of the Sales Plan and then peaks of horror strikes; the belt harnessing the trousers to my waist snapped off. It was a D-ring belt that makes it adjustable to the ever adjusting waist line without having to add holes to the leather.

Not withstanding inconclusive trousers made me run to the next door “Central Mall” for a quick replacement. Hitting men’s accessories section, I soon got frivolous to line-up of brands except the erected discount boards against each brand station. 

That’s when my eyes settled for the Lino Perros stand screaming the fattest of discounts across – 20% off…

I quickly chose two belts, one for the current camouflage and another for my pair of jeans; The Buckle type now so it’s more trust worthy in not snapping off at the right time! 

Situation# 2:

With work left behind at office I ask the Sales guy to get holes quickly pierced to make the standard XXL sized belts fit my waist. With disturbed looks the guy tells me it is his first day @ store & so needs time to search the tool. 

The tool eventually found turns out to be dysfunctional on the axis of rotation (multiple pointy heads for different hole types), or i presume the new guy @ counter didn't know to use it properly.

Finally when the head turns (the tool), approximate measurements were taken & with a bit of trouble hole gets done. The final outcome still missing the ideal spot by an inch or two; I had to rush back for work, settling down to avoid further delay.

Back @ work I still feel belt-less thanks to the missing inches still causing the same discomfort; so am still no better-off. At 5 in the evening the frustration & discomfort builds through with “Power of Compounding” and I decide to sign-off immediately. 

Situation #3:

Reaching home, a thought on another branch of the same “Central Mall” in my neighborhood crosses my mind. Putting on comfort clothing not needing harness, I head to the branch with the newly bought item & the bill.

A more experienced sales guy this time walks me to Men’s section while adopting an advisory role: instead of piercing few holes on the belts tampering them with studded extra holes why not cut along the buckle end for the desired measurement! 

The job gets done flat in 5 minutes, coming out with a feeling of triumph over the so far elusive solution that’s finally delivered.


Next day @ work, I step out for a break with a colleague from HR to whom I narrate this happy ending traumatic story.

Having worked for a company doing job work for popular leather accessory brands, he had figured out how "Premium Collection Items" get outsourced to neighborhood factories and finally hitting the stands with 400% mark-up on the landing cost!!!

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