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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
I believe in creating value through exploring creative solutions, connected the dots, critically questioning the alternatives & being flexible with ideas.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Linearity doesn't exist when...

Hypocrisy is the state of promoting or trying to enforce standards, attitudes, lifestyles, virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually hold.

Is there any collinearity between favorites of one’s vocabulary and actions in a dynamic plane plotted with time Vs landscape?

X2i = h0 + h1X1i

What are these h0 & h1 and how do they impact relationships, results & re-workings in businesses?

h0 is original intention of a word “i” and h1 is tweaked meaning it takes at a different time & landscape. X2i is the resulting impact created by change in intention demonstrated through multiple time frames on the original action X1i.

This simple regression between the effects of words & actions basically touch upon many facets of an organization such as inconsistent HR policies, Strategic planning, Product Planning & design, Customer Service, Operations & IT systems, etc.,

Companies that exhibit not drastic but systematic & consistent patterns of similar phenomena stand to exemplify a Failing giant, Systemic fraud occurrence, Management break-out, Faltering & sometimes damaging product/service effects, etc.,

It therefore presents a clear opportunity for Those who emerge & take the mantle upon themselves, Investors to buy out & turn around such companies, Competitors to march past others on market share scale by filling in gaps, Risk management consultants to publish case studies, etc.,

How do we identify this opportunity space: When people flock towards a band wagon that rides on a so called opportunity track and the picking up of momentum (pace of expansion, hiring, product creation, etc.,) that depicts no method to madness, it sort of skips the naked eye the effect of speed combined with the downward slope (the back firing effect of all the above mentioned examples of momentum). 

Is dynamic time horizon & absolute stagnation of landscape called history repeats itself? When history repeats itself many no of times but only at certain undecipherable order it gets marked (when catastrophe strikes) we call it as history repeats itself; when ideally it should be called as catastrophe repeats itself. In a real sense history don’t repeats but just plays out continuously as a loop function in Windows media player! Only when the boiling point is breached and the lid takes off, we realize that something gravely went wrong – Catastrophe. We still miss paying attention to the so called “Loop” that’s closed tightly.

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